Link to List item In E-mail Body
(too old to reply)
2008-08-11 16:58:00 UTC
In my workflow, I am trying to include a link to the created SharePoint list
item in the body of an e-mail. If place the Encoded absolute URL in the
subject line, I get a webpage not found. I tried using the GUID in the body,
but I keep getting a Locate Link Browser dialogue box when I access the link.

Any suggestions on how I can include a link to list item (ID) in the body of
an e-mail?
Mary Kay
2008-08-26 19:58:15 UTC

I keep a notepad file with a handy line like this

To View the Project click <a

Insert the doc id in place of "xxxxxxx'
Post by MK
In my workflow, I am trying to include a link to the created SharePoint list
item in the body of an e-mail. If place the Encoded absolute URL in the
subject line, I get a webpage not found. I tried using the GUID in the body,
but I keep getting a Locate Link Browser dialogue box when I access the link.
Any suggestions on how I can include a link to list item (ID) in the body of
an e-mail?
Mary Kay
ravishankar ravi
2010-10-22 21:05:46 UTC
SPWeb currentSite = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);
SPList lst = currentSite.Lists["Your List Name goes Here"];

// create a new item
SPListItem itm = lst.Items.Add();
// the request number

if(lst.Items.Count > 0 )
lstCurrentId=lst.Items[lst.Items.Count-1].ID + 1;


//Use the below url and id for more

myMsg.Body = "<html><body style='font-family:arial; font-size:11;'>It Business survey Submission<br>"
+ "Finisar Site : "
+ "===============<br>"
+ "<br>" +"<br><a href='http://portalURLwithuptothelist/DispForm.aspx?ID=" + (lstCurrentId.ToString()) + "'>

above will gives the link to the current list item submitted

Post by MK
In my workflow, I am trying to include a link to the created SharePoint list
item in the body of an e-mail. If place the Encoded absolute URL in the
subject line, I get a webpage not found. I tried using the GUID in the body,
but I keep getting a Locate Link Browser dialogue box when I access the link.
Any suggestions on how I can include a link to list item (ID) in the body of
an e-mail?
Mary Kay
Post by 500fifthave
I keep a notepad file with a handy line like this
To View the Project click <a
Insert the doc id in place of "xxxxxxx'
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